Robert Kingett

1321 Upland Drive, PMB 17504

Houston TX, 77403.


Basic background.


Robert Kingett is a writer of fiction and nonfiction as well as technical writer and accessibility specialist. Robert served as an expert witness for many law firms nationally and internationally. Within publishing, he has copyedited and developmentally edited thousands of books with Disabled characters. His technical writing skills serve him well in Corporate Day Consulting projects.


His website can be found at


Special Skills.


·        Technical writing including screen reader tutorials and software and hardware guides for his personal blog and on a freelance basis.

·        Programming in C++

·        Web development languages such as HTML, JavaScript, GO, and Liquid.

·        CMS and Static site hosting experience.

·        Web standards experience and knowledge including international accessibility standards and guidelines.

·        Prolific screen reader user. NVDA, JAWS, Narrator, Apple products and Android products.



Accessibility/usability consultant.

2010 to present.

Reviewed and helped lawyers win/settle accessibility cases in federal and state districts. Consulted with web design and hardware and application design teams to make products and services accessible, increasing customer satisfaction. Generated brand growth because software and services became accessible and usable after consultations.



2006 to present.

Wrote technical tutorials on my own website, causing companies to ask permission to reprint some tutorials. Wrote fiction and nonfiction featuring Disabled characters. Maintained publishing quality after consulting on editing positions with various authors and publishers to portray disability accurately in fiction and memoirs. Edited works for authentic technical language and disability characterization.