Events overview

Robert Kingett > Events overview

Book me for your event

This page holds links to learn about visits as well as watch presentations and keep up with future events.

I can have virtual or in person events. All of my events must have Live human captioning, CART services, and sign language interpretation.

I love doing events, even though I have a stutter. I’m available for live lit events, especially charity live lit shows, keynote speaking, or doing an author visit.

My writing is geared to a mature young adult or adult audience. Because of the disabilities, I’ll require a reader for live lit events.

Important event links.

I require all of my events to have sign language interpreters and live human captions. I have many Deaf fans.

Invite me to your venue.

Read my appearance requirements before booking me for in person events. Book me within two months or more of the in person event date.

View upcoming events below!

Subscribe to my events calendar with any application or subscribe with Google Calendar

Calendar as webpage in agenda view.

List of upcoming events

Event recordings.

You can also find audio and video on my PeerTube channel.