The below comic was a collaboration with A Day in the Life of a PWD, Person With a Disability.
They created the comic. I just provided the frame ideas and dialog.
Read the comic below or read the comic on Facebook.
Comic description.
A Day in the Life of a PWD, Person With a Disability
Frame 1:
A blind man who uses a white cane is sitting in a living room with three friends. MAN: Hey, could someone pass me some chips?
Frame 2:
FRIEND: Sure, man, here ya go
The friend tosses a bag of chips across the room. It sails past the man’s head. The other two friends look stunned.
Frame 3:
FRIEND: Aw, man! Sorry. Sometimes I forget you’re blind
Exasperated, the man rolls his eyes, and the other two stare at the friend in awkward silence